Insulator Base Plate with Gaskets for a twin-barrel Weber IDA 2C carburetor.
Insulating base plate that is fitted between the inlet manifold and the carburetor to prevent the transfer of heat between the two.

The plates are made of 3 mm thick CSP and are supplied with 2 gaskets each.
Please note that these plates will NOT fit the triple-barrel Weber IDA 3C carburetors!
Available in size 40, 44 and 48 mm.
Please make your choice through the Size * menu just above the Add to cart button.
This product is priced and sold as a set of 2 isolators and 4 gaskets, so for 1 2-barrel carburetor.
Required quantity per carburettor: 1
This is item is not shown on the drawing of the Weber IDA 2C carburetor.
This is Our Article Number: CSP04